Analysis of problems and protocol of work with partial defects of teeth, strategy of restoration of aesthetics and function with modern materials.
The speakers of the event are young professionals who are directly related to the Association of Dental Students, its members, coaches and winners of the international Jules Allemand Trophy competition (Italy) and winners of conferences of young scientists.
The speakers will present a lecture material that will provide information on the protocol of work in the stratification method with preliminary planning of work, taking into account all the physical and optical parameters of tooth tissues and composite materials.
Direct and indirect restoration of teeth, cooperation of the restoration doctor and the dentist.

Christina Rizhuk
10-00 -11-00
is a dentist, periodontist, surgeon. Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Academy of Periodontology, Coordinator of the UAP-young Youth Program, Member of the Association of Implantologists of Ukraine.
Direct composite restoration of the frontal area is a success in planning.

Yaryna Havryshkevych
11-00 – 12-00
Assistant Professor, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, LNMU. Danylo Halytsky. Coach of the international competition on dental restoration JAT-Ukraine.
Difficulties of direct restoration and their clinical solutions

Andriy Savchuk
12-00 – 13-00
Winner of JAT 2018 Ukraine. Winner of the JAT European Stage 2018. Trained at the University of Chieti under the guidance of prof. D'Angelo. Young practitioner at a private clinic in Ivano-Frankivsk
New composite materials for thorough restoration. The importance of biomedical materials in conservative dentistry

Yana Dostalova
14-00- 14-30
Micerium S.p.A. Italy
Indirect composite restoration. Show special features

Oleksandr Fetsich
Spetsializatsiya: minimally invasive and functional revitalization with ceramics and composite. Founder and lecturer of Fetsych study clib. Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry. Option leader Micerium S.p.A. Italy. JUR member
Understand that wartiness:
• Students of the International ACC Member - 350 UAH.
• students of the International - 500 UAH.
• lіkarі - 700 UAH.
Kіlkіst mіsts obmeshcheno.
All participants accept the certificate
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Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6djBIbbewsDnHhDo5BEgsDkxwtIlXbOePfoHVAcUPRb7tSw/viewform